14 March 2025
This week, year 3 have been doing some fascinating science investigations for British Science Week.
They began by creating their very own rockets which they then flew across the hall, investigating the effect of force. They were able to see if their predictions were correct and if changing the amount of force they used affected the distance their rockets flew. They were able to fly their rockets with so much force that some of them almost flew straight into the dining room!
They also had to put their sorting skills to the test when the classroom turned into a mini landfill! The children were able to use their prior learning on magnetism to explore how magnets have changed the way we recycle. First, they had a go at sorting the "rubbish" into magnetic and non-magnetic materials just by using their own reasoning, and then they worked together as a team to use magnets to sort the "rubbish" to see if we missed or mislabelled any materials, deepening their understanding of magnetism as well as the importance of recycling our waste.