Meet the Team

Year 1

Mrs C Alcock

Mrs C Alcock


Miss J Whittam

Miss J Whittam

Teaching Assistant

Mrs G Brown

Mrs G Brown

Teaching Assistant

Mr G Lomax

Mr G Lomax

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to our Year 1 class page!


Miss Whittam and I are looking forward to getting to know our 30 new Year 1 children this year, along with Mr Lomax.  We are also happy that Mrs Brown has moved from Reception with the children and will be able to share her knowledge of their interests when planning our curriculum.


We will be covering lots of exciting topics as shown below and encouraging the children to grow in independence and confidence.  For this term the children will be learning in a very similar way to EYFS, with lots of opportunities to develop through continuous provision


For Forest School each Friday, Year 1 children need to come to school in their Forest School kit and bring wellies and waterproofs to change into. Children can wear school shoes if their black trainers are already in school. Please could you ensure your child has an alternative coat to wear if not wearing an all-in-one suit as children do tend to get very muddy—even in the summer term!


Please remember to look at our web pages, news articles, newsletters and Facebook page, so that you can keep up-to-date with our fabulous learning.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries. You can do this via email, through the school office or catch us at the start or end of the day.


The Year 1 team

Mrs Alcock, Miss Whittam, Mrs Brown and Mr Lomax

Year 1 - Class Newsletters








Bring in your reading book and reading record every day to read in class.



Reading Books and library changed 

Forest School




Reading Records checked  


Home Reading

Please continue to read with your children at home and record in their Reading Record books.  Online Bug Club reading books are linked to your child's learning in phonics and help them to embed and practise what they have been taught in class.  These are your child's main reading book and new books and games will be added each week. Physical reading books should be able to be read by your child and comments can be made about how well they did, library books are books to share and enjoy together (your child does not have to be able to read all the words in these books) and can be listed at the back of the reading record.

Bug Club Reading


Reading and spellings: We will also set ebooks and spelling/phonics games on Bug Club each Thursday for children to access throughout the week and beyond. Physical books will be changed in school on a Thursday. Please access reading in other ways such as through local libraries, books you have at home, 'Teach Your Monster to Read' and which enables you to access a range of books online for free. They could also practise writing the sounds and words from the games on paper or in another creative way using paints, pens, coloured pencils, in sand or mud outdoors. 

Please support your child at home by listening to them read daily. 




Year 1 Topics

Autumn 1

(03.09.24 – 17.10.24)

Spring 1

(06.01.25 – 14.02.25)

Summer 1

(22.04.25 – 23.05.25)

The Great Outdoors

Penguins and Possums

Growth and Green Fingers

Autumn 2

(28.10.24 – 20.12.24)

Spring 2

(24.02.25 – 04.04.25)

Summer 2

(03.06.25 – 18.07.25)

Fire! Fire!

Family Album












Drop off and pick up: Year 1 children are dropped off and collected from the top blue gate in the EYFS outdoor area.  

SnackChildren have access to fresh fruit snacks at morning break time.  You may send in one healthy snack such as fruit or a cereal bar for afternoon snack if you wish.

Milk: Children are provided with milk from Cool Milk in the afternoon.  If you would like your child to have milk please visit the Cool Milk website where you will find information about registration and payment details.

Water: It is important to drink plenty of water.  Please ensure that your child has a bottle of water every day, labelled with their name, to keep them hydrated throughout the day.

P.E kits: .This half term we may be doing PE indoors or outdoors, weather permitting, so please ensure your child has a PE kit in school suitable for indoors or outdoors, including shorts, black pumps and trainers.

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