Meet the Team

Year 5

Mr W Trickett

Mr W Trickett


Mrs H Waters

Mrs H Waters

Teaching Assistant

Mr A Lacey

Mr A Lacey

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 5!


Welcome to Year 5! This year we have 23 outstanding, responsible and intelligent Year Five children taught by Mrs Dixon and assisted by Mrs Whittaker. Our Key Value words are 'moral' and 'motivated', and we try to work on these values every day.

If you have any questions, please speak to me on the playground, call the school or contact me via email.

Mrs Dixon

Year 5 - Class Newsletters

Timetable / Key Dates






Bring in your reading book, homework book and reading record book daily.

Forest School


Spelling test/ Homework checked

Homework Set





Reading records checked










Click the links below to get to your homework.


Year 5 Topics 2022-2023

Autumn 1

(04.09.23 – 19.10.23)

Spring 1

(08.01.24 – 09.02.24)

Summer 1

(15.04.24 – 24.05.24)

Children of the Revolution

Reach (for the stars!)

Greece Lightning!

Autumn 2

(30.10.23 – 21.12.23)

Spring 2

(19.02.24 – 28.03.24)

Summer 2

(04.06.24 – 19.07.24)


Back to the 80’s

Rainforest Rap



Dinners: School dinners are selected using the 'Choices' menu. You may select packed lunches. Do inform us of any changes. 


Water: Please ensure that your child has a bottle of water every day, labelled with their name, to keep them hydrated throughout the day and to drink with their lunch.


Snack: The children can bring in a healthy morning and afternoon snack, which must be kept in their coat pocket or class tray, separate to their lunch boxes or bags.


P.E kits: We will be doing PE outside as much as possible so please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit for this. Their kit can remain in school for the half term. Please take out earrings on PE days, or your child should bring tape to cover their earrings over. Pumps are needed for the hall. Children may bring in plain black tracksuit bottoms or leggings for outdoor PE sessions. Please ensure trainers are in your PE bag everyday.


Forest School: Children should come to school dressed in their Forest School Clothes. They must bring a change of footwear for Forest School sessions in a bag. Please ensure that the clothes sent to wear are not for ‘best’ and that they will be appropriate for the weather conditions. A waterproof coat, jacket and trousers should be brought when the weather is changeable. Warm hats, scarves and gloves are needed during winter.


Year 5 Residential

The Year 5 residential will be in June 2024. Watch this space for more details!


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