Meet the Team
Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
This year, we have Miss Westwell, Miss Gallagher and myself all working together to help the children in Year 6 have a superb and successful final year at Trawden Forest. Over the course of the year we will be working hard to learn a wide range of new concepts, making discoveries and working hard to become more resilient learners.
Please remember to look at our news articles (on the news page, or in 'related news' at the bottom of our class page) and Facebook page, so that you can keep up-to-date with our fabulous learning.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment via the school office or send me an email.
Mrs Clarke
Year 6 - Class Newsletters
Timetable / Key Dates
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Bring in your Personalised Learning Book (PLB), Reading Book and Homework Diary every day. |
Homework due in New Spellings |
PE Kits - Netball |
Spelling Test |
Homework set - this may vary |
Spelling: This will be set in their Homework Book and will contain up to 10 words to learn every week. This will be set each Monday and tested the following Friday.
Homework: Homework will be set each Thursday and be due in the following Monday, however if it is completed sooner, please send it in. Homework will be sent out in the child’s Homework Book. Your child will always be shown the homework in class and understand how to access / complete this, each week. Ypur child will also receive personalised learning as required.
Maths: Please continue to practise times tables with your child as they are vital for Year 6 maths. Please use TTRockstars for times table practise during the week. If your child has forgotten theirs, please ask.
Reading: As the children read in school on a daily basis, they need to bring their reading book in every day. Please continue to hear your child read and ask them questions about the books that they are reading in order to develop their understanding and find evidence in the text. Children can note the books they read in their yellow reading record and remember that you can access the Accelerated Reader quizzes at home as they may not have the same number of opportunities to complete them in school. If your child needs extra reading materials, please use books that they have at home, the library or those that they used when learning from home. Whenever your child reads, please sign their yellow reading record.
Click the links below to get to your homework.
Water: Please ensure that your child has a bottle of water every day, labelled with their name, to keep them hydrated throughout the day and to drink with their lunch.
Snack: Children are allowed to bring in a healthy snack (i.e. fruit or cereal bar) for morning / afternoon play. This should remain in their tray (not lunchbox) until eaten.
No chocolate or crisps permitted.
Please note that we are a nut-free school due to the severe allergies that we have.
Packed Lunch: Please place this in a wipeable small lunch bag or plastic box. Year 4 have their own shelf to store these (outside the dining hall). Unfortunately, access to lunch bags/boxes is only permitted at lunch time.
P.E kits: Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is in school. It will be stored on their peg and will be sent home to be washed at the end of every half-term. If it requires washing prior to this, please ensure that it is in school on a Monday so that it can remain in school for the entire week.
Forest School: Please bring waterproof clothing (in addition to wearing their Forest School kit) and wellies on their Forest School dates. This could be a waterproof all-in-one suit or separate waterproof trousers and coat. This will help to keep children warm and their own clothes dry on those wet days!
Year 6 Statutory Tests (SATs)
Week commencing Monday 12th May 2025
The Year 6 residential will be from Monday 9th June - Wednesday 11th June 2025
This year we are going to High Adventure in Cowling. More details can be found at: