Meet the Team

Year 3

Mrs K Atkinson

Mrs K Atkinson


Miss J Gallagher

Miss J Gallagher

Teaching Assistant

Miss N Sanderson

Miss N Sanderson

Apprentice Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to Year 3 and Sycamore Class. We are very much looking forward to 2023-2024 with 30 wonderful children. They have made an impressive start to the year and are settling in well.

This newsletter will outline our learning, the routines that we will have and the topics for the remainder of the year. However, more detail about each subject can be found on this website. We’ve also included a timetable to help as there are lots of things for you to remember too! At the present time, Year 3 children will use a Homework/Personalised Learning Book where you will find their homework for the week and any other relevant small activities linked to their own individual learning needs as appropriate to the child. We continue to look forward to getting to know both you and your children more throughout the year.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or queries. You can do this via email, through the school office or catch me at the start or end of the day.


Mrs Atkinson, Miss Sanderson & Miss Gallagher



Year 3 - Class Newsletters


Timetable / Key Dates












Spelling and Times Table Quiz

Homework due in

Homework set




Please bring in reading books and homework/personalised learning books everyday.




Tasks: Every Wednesday, your child will be set homework in their homework book. 

Spellings: We will share ten words each Wednesday linked to a spelling rule that we have been practising in class for your child to learn each week. These words, however, may also include the common exception words relevant to your child’s learning. There will be a spelling test the following Monday for children to show what they have learnt. 

Reading: Children will be able to change their books once they have completed an Accelerated Reader quiz on their book (Please complete these at home where possible.). Those children who are not following the Accelerated Reader will be able to change their books once they have discussed it with an adult in school. Please access reading in other ways such as through local libraries and books you have at home. Please support your child at home by listening to them read daily. The children do have their own Reading Record. Please write in this when you have heard them read. If your child reads more independently at times, then they can write in the pages they have read as well as write a sentence about what they have read.


Times tables: Each Tuesday, your child will complete a times table test. The times table they need to practise will change as they progress but their goal is to beat their previous score. This information will be in their Homework/ Personalised Learning book along with an activity to complete. Your child will practise their times tables in school but it would benefit them to practise at home too which they can do on Times Table Rockstars. The more practise they get, the easier they will find it to recall their times tables. The government specify certain times tables are to be learnt by children in particular year groups:

●Year 2: 2x, 5, 10x tables

●Year 3: 3x, 4x, 8x tables

Please bring in reading books and homework/personalised learning books everyday.

Click below for links to access your homework.



Year 3 Topics 

Autumn 1 

Spring 1

Summer 1 

Topic Title

Topic Title

Topic Title

Let there be light!

The Iron Man

All about me

Autumn 2 

Spring 2 

Summer 2

Topic Title

Topic Title

We will Rock You!

How does your garden grow?




Water: Please ensure that your child has a bottle of water every day, labelled with their name, to keep them hydrated throughout the day.


Uniform: Please make sure that all uniform is named as this makes it easier to find and be returned to you.


Snack: They can bring in a healthy snack, which can be eaten at morning or afternoon break, which must be kept in their coat pocket or book bag. 


Forest School: Please ensure that children come to school dressed in Forest School clothes. Children will need long trousers, joggers or leggings. Please bring waterproof clothing and wellies on their Forest School day in a carrier bag. This could be a waterproof all-in-one suit or separate waterproof trousers and coat.

P.E kits: We will be doing PE outside as much as possible so please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit for this. Their kit can remain in school for the half term. Children will require trainers for outdoor PE and pumps for indoor PE. Earrings must be taken out prior to school or by the child in school.


Book Bags: We aim to promote more independence in Year 3, so we no longer check book bags. Children will be asked daily if they have anything in them, however it is their responsibility to bring their books / letters into class.


Reading Books: Please could you ensure your child brings their reading book to school everyday so they have the opportunity to read it in class as well as at home. Homework/ Personalised Learning books must also be in school every day.

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