Roles and Responsibilities
At Trawden Forest Primary School, we have various roles and responsibilities available to our children throughout KS1 and KS2. These aim to encourage children to take an active role in the school: its decisions, fund-raising and representation in the local community.
School Council
At Trawden Forest Primary School, our School Council is a group of pupils who act as representatives of their class in discussing school issues with the headteacher and staff. It’s a wonderful way of representing and contributing the children’s thoughts and great ideas to our school.
The School Council help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children’s learning and development, such as organising charity events, representing the school at outside events or ensuring the school is environmentally friendly. School councils are usually elected annually by the other children. A school council does a number of things:
- They usually meet with a teacher present to discuss and sort out problems. These could include school lunches, school uniform, behaviour, resources or ideas for fundraising events.
- Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed upon, such as planning these events, writing letters, or meeting with staff.
- Each year, every class normally elects two representatives to be members of the School Council from the Year Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Trawden Forest School Council aims to encourage our children to:
- Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities
- Prepare them to play an active role as citizens in the wider community
- Develop healthy, safer lifestyles
- To have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others
- Develop good relationships with others, show kindness and respect the differences between people
- To listen carefully to others even though they may not agree
The Specific qualities needed to become a School Council Member:
As an individual, you may bring lots of additional skills and abilities to this role in particular. However, to be a successful School Council member you need to:
- Be reliable.
- Be proud of our school and want our school to be the best it can be.
- Listen carefully to the views of others and take their ideas on board.
- Represent the majority view of your class, even if you don't agree!
- Commit time to this role and accept that you may need to do things during break times and/or lunchtimes.
- Be enthusiastic.
- Be kind and respectful.
- Be patient.
- Be hard working.
Sports Ambassadors
For children with a passion for sports, we have introduced our roles of Sports Ambassadors. Our sports ambassadors are supported by Mrs Clarke and possess many qualities, and are not chosen based purely on sports ability. Instead, we value other skills such as:
- Having a positive attitude towards learning and participating in sport;
- Working well as a team;
- Being approachable for other children across the school;
- Good organisational skills;
Our Sports Ambassadors have been carefully chosen and show all of the skills and qualities above. They carry out many jobs within school including:
- Helping choose, organise and run lunchtime activities for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2;
- Always be an example to the learning charter especially in PE Lessons (Lead by Example);
- Assist in the decision for clubs and other sporting events in school;
- Be ready for other Sporting needs throughout the year.
Eco Warriors
Being an Eco Warrior is an ideal opportunity for our pupils to get more involved in the way our school is run and help us to be more environmentally friendly. It provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made. Eco Warriors are supported by Miss Lambert and take on the responsibility of expressing their own views, but also the views of their peers as well as passing on information from other children and teachers.
Our Eco Warriors help to care for out school environment:
- they regularly monitor the recycling at lunchtimes and advise other pupils which bin to use.
- monitor our energy use in the school.
- encourage teachers and children to recycle.
- take part in discussions and feedback any relevant information to their class.
Our Librarians are a team of enthusiastic promoters of reading. They are always passionate about reading and sharing their love of reading. Their enthusiasm is infectious; they share a love of stories wherever they go! They are supported by Mrs Dixon and are an asset to our school, encouraging others to read and they share the importance of reading as a lifelong skill. Librarians work closely with the English Leader and TA librarian to deliver the very best environment, resources and conditions for reading.
Their roles include:
- To raise the profile of the school library.
- To act as positive role models and to encourage others to read.
- To read stories to younger children.
- To help with tasks including shelving, tidying and library promotion.
- To sort, stamp and get new books onto the shelves as soon as possible.
- To help run reading groups and clubs.
- To help raise money to go towards new books for our library stocks.
Digital Leaders
We want to help children to excel in an area they love. For children who have a passion for Computing, we have introduced our roles of Digital Leaders. Digital Leaders are supported by Mr Loynds and take their responsibility seriously. At Trawden Forest Primary School, our Digital Leaders:
- Attend regular meetings - Meetings may also include training to look at technologies and apps to develop knowledge and expertise across school.
- Ensuring that equipment is ready and organised (charging laptops and iPads).
- Assist teachers with delivering online safety to all classes in the school.
- Promote Online Safety around school.
- Help produce and deliver assemblies about online safety and acceptable use of equipment, devices and programs (games).
- Demonstrate how to use technology in the classroom.
- Demonstrate how to use everyday programs (Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Publisher) and easy to use websites to other students and staff.
- Demonstrate how to use AR in the classroom.
- Try out and review new apps, websites and programs which could be used in lessons.
- Help organise Safer Internet Day / Week.
- Assist teachers with the use of ICT in the classroom and around school.
Lunchtime Helpers
Being a lunchtime Helper provides our older children, from Years 5 and 6, to be a buddy to our younger children at lunchtimes. They are supported by Mrs Stinchon and Mrs Lonsdale - Welfare Supervisor and meet regularly to solve any problems and generate ideas of how we can make the lunchtime experience even better.
Our team of Helpers:
- Support the younger children with using a knife and fork correctly.
- Model good table manners.
- Help to create an organised, friendly atmosphere in the dining room.
- Offer support as a buddy for younger children.