Admissions Procedure
Trawden Forest Primary School follows Lancashire’s admission policy which can be accessed via the Lancashire County Council’s website (link below).
Our admission number for each year group is currently 30.
The determined policy for admission to community and voluntary controlled primary schools for 2025 / 2026 is listed below:-
Parents are asked to express preferences for three primary schools. Published criteria are used to decide which children should be offered the available places. In primary schools an equal preference scheme has been introduced to comply with the Schools Admission Code, whereby three parental preferences are given equal status and will be considered equally against the admissions criteria. Our admission number for each year group is currently 30.
When a school is oversubscribed on parental preferences, then the following priorities apply in order:
1. Looked after children and those who have been previously looked after.
2. Children for whom the Local Authority accepts that there are exceptional medical social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned.
3. Children with older brothers and sisters attending the school when the younger child will start.
4. Remaining places are allocated according to where a child lives. Those living nearest to the preferred school by a straight line (radial) measure will have priority.
The distance criterion which will be used as the tie-breaker if there is oversubscription within any of the admission criteria is a straight line (radial) measure. If the Local Authority is unable to distinguish between applicants using the published criteria (e.g. twins or same block of flats) places will be offered via a random draw.
This is a summary of the admissions policy.
Trawden Forest Primary School Transition plan for EYFS children
We recognise the significance for both parents and children of the first day at school and try to anticipate any concerns or potential problems through our transition plan detailed below.
Before choosing a school:
- An Open Day in October allows parents to have a good look around the school before making a firm decision about which primary school to choose.
Once school places have been allocated:
- Parents are invited to the new parents’ information evening which is held in June each year.
- School staff visit the Nurseries to establish a good knowledge of the experiences the children have had before joining us.
- If appropriate, personalised transition plans can be arranged at this point.
- Children are invited for 2 half day visits in the summer term before they start in September. We encourage parents to leave them with us on the second of these visits if appropriate.
Starting school:
- All children start in September but a staggered start during the first week allows children to begin with half day sessions. There is also an opportunity at this time to try school dinners.
- Stay and play sessions during the first term allow parents to play and learn alongside their children and enable positive relationships to be built up between school and home.
Click Here to Apply for a Primary School Place
In Year School Admissions
Sometimes there are reasons for children to change schools during the academic year.
Before you apply to change schools, you will need to speak to the current school and the school you intend to move to.
Click Here for additional information about changing schools.
For Information about in Year School Admissions, please use the documents below.
In Year School Admissions Documents