Meet the Team

Year 2

Mrs K Atkinson

Mrs K Atkinson


Miss B Lambert

Miss B Lambert

Teacher (Maternity Leave)

Mr S Jenkins

Mr S Jenkins

Teacher (Maternity Cover)

Miss K Crocombe

Miss K Crocombe

Apprentice Teaching Assistant

Mr G Lomax

Mr G Lomax

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 2!

This year, we have Mrs Atkinson, Mr Jenkins (maternity cover), Miss Crocombe and Mr Lomax all working together to help the children in Year 2 shine. We are really looking forward to teaching Year 2 with a class full of talented and amazing children! By the end of the year the children will have lots of new skills and knowledge which they can apply to all aspects of life.

Please remember to look at our news articles (on the news page, or in 'related news' at the bottom of our class page) and Facebook page, so that you can keep up-to-date with our fabulous learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment with Mrs Atkinson or Mr Jenkins via the school office or an email.

Year 2 - Class Newsletters



Timetable / Key Dates








PE (both indoor and outdoor kit needed)

Homework books due in

Spelling Test / New Spellings

Homework Set






Tasks: Every Friday your child will be set homework in their homework books.

Spellings: We will share eight words linked to a spelling rule we have been practising in class for your child to learn each week. There will also be an additional 2 common exception words, which will not be linked to the spelling rule practised. There will be a spelling test the following Thursday for children to show what they have learnt.  

Reading: If your child is on the coloured book bands, we will only be changing books once a week (Tuesday) when the children will be given physical books & eBooks set on Bug Club. Please access reading in other ways such as through local libraries, books you have at home and which enables you to access a range of books online for free. However, you will need to sign up for a free account first. Please support your child at home by listening to them read daily. 

If your child is on accelerated reader, they can change their books as often as necessary. 


Click the links below to get to your homework.




Year 2 Topics

Autumn 1

(03.09.24 – 17.10.24)

Spring 1

(06.01.25 – 14.02.25)

Summer 1

(22.04.25 – 23.05.25)

The Place Where I Live


Pirates, Buckets and Spades

Autumn 2

(28.10.24 – 20.12.24)

Spring 2

(24.02.25 – 04.04.25)

Summer 2

(03.06.25 – 18.07.25)

Castles and Dragons

The World

Pirates, Buckets and Spades



Water: Please ensure that your child has a bottle of water every day, labelled with their name, to keep them hydrated throughout the day and to drink with their lunch.

Snack: Children are allowed to bring in a healthy snack (i.e. fruit or cereal bar) for morning / afternoon play. This should remain in their tray (not lunchbox) until eaten.

  • No chocolate or crisps permitted.
  • Please note that we are a nut-free school due to the severe allergies that we have.

Packed Lunch: Please place this in a wipeable small lunch bag or plastic box. Unfortunately, access to lunch bags/boxes is only permitted at lunch time.

P.E kits: Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is in school. It will be stored on their peg and will be sent home to be washed at the end of every half-term. If it requires washing prior to this, please ensure that it is in school on a Monday so that it can remain in school for the entire week.

Forest School: Please bring waterproof clothing (in addition to wearing their Forest School kit) and wellies on their Forest School dates. This could be a waterproof all-in-one suit or separate waterproof trousers and coat. This will help to keep children warm and their own clothes dry on those wet days!