Meet the Team


Mrs G Beetham

Mrs G Beetham


Mrs D Smith

Mrs D Smith


Mrs A McGowan

Mrs A McGowan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Nelson

Mrs J Nelson

Teaching Assistant

Mrs G Brown

Mrs G Brown

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to EYFS!

Hello, we are Mrs Beetham and Mrs Smith and we are your teachers in EYFS. Mrs McGowan, Mrs Nelson & Mrs Brown will be your teaching assistants and are in school Monday to Friday. Mrs Beetham is in school Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Smith is in school Wednesday to Friday. 

We hope you will be very happy at our school and we will do our very best to help you settle in and feel safe and secure in our class.  We hope that you and your child feel confident and relaxed about joining us and becoming part of our Trawden Forest School family.

We are very excited to join you on your learning journey!

If you have any questions, need any more information or would just like to say hello, please feel free to e-mail us at & or alternatively you can contact the school office on 01282 865242.


Key Dates for Spring












Change reading books

Forest School




Home Reading

Your child will be set decodable eBooks via Bug Club every week. The details about how to log on were shared with you during our Phonics and Early Reading evening. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

EYFS Phonics and Early Reading Evening 2023


Topics and Themes

We have lots of exciting learning activities and experiences planned for the year ahead but we will also be led by the children's interests where possible to ensure the learning is meaningful.  Below is an overview of our topics and activities.

Please remember to look at our web pages and Facebook page, so that you can keep up-to-date with our fabulous learning.


Autumn 1

(04.09.23 – 19.10.23)

Spring 1

(08.01.24 – 09.02.24)

Summer 1

(15.04.24 – 24.05.24)

Me and my world

People whole help us

Amazing animals

Autumn 2

(30.10.23 – 21.12.23)

Spring 2

(19.02.24 – 28.03.24)

Summer 2

(04.06.24 – 19.07.24)

Light up the sky

Healthy Eating

On the move



EYFS - Class Newsletters


'Booket' List

We have selected a list of books that your children will enjoy this year that we will read and reread for enjoyment.



Water: Please ensure that your child has a bottle of water every day, labelled with their name, to keep them hydrated throughout the day. Part of the EYFS curriculum is to promote oral health so please fill the bottle with water only.

Snack: Children have fruit provided every morning.  They also have 'snack time' in the afternoon for which you may send in one piece of fruit or a cereal bar which will be kept in a box in class.  Please do not send in anything which should be refrigerated.

P.E kits: Please ensure your child has a named P.E. kit in school. Their kit can remain in school for the half term unless parents specifically ask for it to be sent home.

Forest School: Children do not need any extra clothing for Forest School as we will provide it.

Milk: Children who are four will be offered free milk from Cool Milk every afternoon.  Once children turn five, parents must log on to the Cool Milk website to arrange for paid milk for their child if required.

Please ensure all book bags, coats, jumpers, P.E. kits, snack or lunch bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Our Wow Wall!

EYFS Wow Wall 23




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