24 June 2024

Image of Sports Champion

What a way to kick off our sports week! Today GB skier Charlotte Holmes came into school to talk to us about her life as an athlete. She talked to us about the types of skiing she does and showed us videos - including a few crashes!  After that the children took part in a sponsored circuit that included spotty dogs, mountain climbers, press-ups and star jumps.  Each round lasted 30 seconds and there were some very warm children by the end.  A huge thank you to all of you who sponsored the children and a great big thank you to our year 6 sports ambassadors who modelled the activities and helped out wonderfully.  We can’t wait for the rest of the week! 



Tags: PE & Sport Class of 2024 Class of 2025 Class of 2026 PSHE Class of 2027 Class of 2028 British Values Class of 2029 Class of 2030