6 May 2022

Image of T'is the Eve (weekend) Before SATS..

We are so proud of all the hard work our wonderful Elder Class have done so far this year.  We sent them home today with a little treat and this message to make sure they know how proud we are of them -  in all different ways.  Please make sure you all have a lovely weekend and that they have an early night on Sunday!  School will be open for YEAR 6 from 8.30am.

Elder Class 2022


SATs don't measure sports, SATs don't measure art,

SATs don't measure music, or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don't see your beauty, SATs don't know your worth,

SATs don't see the reasons you were put upon this earth.

SATs don't see your magic, how you make others smile,

SATs don't time how quickly you can run a mile.

SATs don't hear your laughter, or see you've come this far,

SATs are just a tiny glimpse of who you really are.

So sitting at your table, with a pencil and your test,

Remember SATs aren't who you are, remember you're the best.



You’re smart cookies. Enjoy your weekend and DON’T WORRY!


Tags: Z: Class of 2022 PSHE