11 February 2022

Image of Children's Mental Health Week

This week we have been taking part in Children's Mental Health week. This year's theme has been 'Growing Together' and every class in school has completed a range of different activities linked to this. We have thought about different things that can have an impact on our feelings and emotions and ways which we can improve our mental health and then mental health of others. The children, as ever, have engaged with this so well and thought of so much good advice! 

Our week ended with our 'Dress to Express' non-uniform day which the children loved! We will celebrate our learning throughout the week with art work to create our new corridor displays.

Well done everyone!



Tags: Z: Class of 2022 Z: Class of 2023 Z: Class of 2024 Class of 2025 Class of 2026 Art & Design Design Technology PSHE Class of 2027 Class of 2028