4 February 2022

Image of Sports Champion Event

Today we welcomed British 5 time Paralympian, Bev Jones.  The whole school met her in an assembly, where she demonstrated the discus technique - with a little help from Mrs Clarke, Mr Loynds, Blossom and Kalen!  Following that, the children all took part in a sponsored circuit, we did: a minute of spotty dogs, mountain climbers, press-ups and star jumps with every child from reception to Year 6 joining in one after the other.   It looked exhausting!  A fabulous afternoon was also celebrated by the INCREDIBLE amount of money we raised - a staggering £1,603!  Thank you so much for your support and generosity.



Tags: PE & Sport Z: Class of 2022 Z: Class of 2023 Z: Class of 2024 Class of 2025 Class of 2026 PSHE Class of 2027 Class of 2028