20 June 2024

Image of Fantastic Day at Blackpool Zoo with Year 4

Our Year 4 class had an incredible time at Blackpool Zoo this week, soaking up the sun and exploring the fascinating world of animals and their habitats. 

They were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of not just one, but TWO elusive red pandas – what a treat! 

They had two informative talks all about elephants and lemurs with one adventurous lemur even deciding to hitch a ride on a child's back! 

All the amazing photos from the trip were captured by our talented young photographers in the class – showcasing their creativity and eye for detail! There were 470 throughout the day! You can see some of the best ones, below. 

They even clocked over 8000 steps throughout the day! That's some serious walking! 

Despite a brief encounter with a daring seagull, our class were undeterred and had an unforgettable experience at the zoo. 

Tags: Class of 2026 Science