1 March 2024
Today, our Year 5 and 6 School Council representatives went to Colne Town Hall for another Colne Junior Council meeting where they met with three other schools: West Street, Park Primary and Christ Church. During this year, they have been extremely busy sorting out the solutions to a variety of problems within the town and local area. In the work they have done, they have written letters to a variety of councils concerning graffiti and the state of the local parks and created posters to help to improve these things.
Following this meeting these Year 5 and 6 children fed back again to our own School Council with regard to the meetings' discussions and the items that required action. As a result of this, they are now discussing in school the following:
1. Problems and difficulties with cars - speed and parking
2. Areas that would benefit from being made more pleasant (E.G. bug hotels, flowers, trees, etc...)
3. Litter picking which families can get involved with
During the meeting today, the children involved with Colne Junior Council also discovered that they may also be able to go to visit the Houses of Parliament in London later this year which they are rather excited about. As part of their Council work, they had to vote for the logo which they would like for Colne Junior Council. You can see a photo of the 8 choices (which were based on the children's designs from all of the schools) and the final one which they chose.